
What is this place?

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Hi, my name is Tyler and this is my personal blog! I'm trying to keep this website as simple as possible with a focus on writing content instead of exploring cool new CSS tricks and javascript libraries. I mean, I might be writing about cool new CSS tricks and javascript libraries (among other things) but every other time I've tried to start writing regular blog posts, the creation of the website itself is what ended up taking most of my time. By the time the blog was ready to go, all of my energy and enthusiasm was already spent and nothing was left for the content.

I also think that websites should be fast and accessible and I don't want to spend a lot of money on hosting things. Ideally I can share my writing with as wide an audience as possible, spending only a small amount of money to deliver some value back to the world.

I'll most likely be writing a post on how I've set up this blog website sometime in the future. Until then I'll just say that I'm using eleventy as a static site generator, and vercel (zeit) to serve the content. Github is also a pretty good markdown editor, and it means I don't have to think too much about git and repo's on all my machines.

Too many things that I've attempted to do have fallen to the side with little to show for. Of course I've learned a lot from doing these things, but that knowledge fades over time and I am the only person with any hope of benefitting from it. With this blog, I'd like to share these endeavors with the world- or at least for my future self, to have something to point to when I wonder what I've been doing all this time.

This won't be high quality stuff. It might not even be low quality stuff. But at least it will be stuff. Enjoy!

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